Becoming a patient

At Sleep Apnea & TMJ Therapy of Southern New England, it is a requirement that all snorers and patients with sleep apnea be evaluated by a physician or sleep specialist before obtaining treatment with a dental device. It is our policy to keep referrers updated on our patients’ treatment progress. We’re excited to help you begin your journey to better sleep!

Step 1


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is diagnosed. OSA is diagnosed by your primary care doctor or a sleep specialist. If symptoms are suggestive of OSA, your primary care doctor may refer you to a sleep specialist or order an overnight sleep study, called a polysomnogram (PSG). Dr. Semco may also refer you to a sleep specialist.

Step 2


A sleep study test is performed. A polysomnogram (PSG) or “sleep study test” is performed in a sleep laboratory under the direct supervision of a trained sleep technologist. During the sleep test, a variety of functions, such as the electrical activity of the brain, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate, breathing patterns, air flow, and blood oxygen levels are recorded. Sometimes a home sleep test (HST) can be done in the comfort of the patient’s own bed. Most insurances cover these evaluations.

Step 3


Your doctor refers you to us for oral appliance therapy. If you are having issues with your CPAP or if you are CPAP intolerant, contact your primary care doctor or sleep specialist for a referral to Sleep Apnea Therapy of Southern New England for oral appliance therapy through the use of a custom-made mandibular advancement device.

Step 4


Book your first appointment! Making an appointment with us is easy. You can call our office at 401-848-5252 or email and one of our treatment coordinators will book you in.

Step 5


Your first appointment with us. Congrats! You’ve begun the journey to a more restful, healthy sleep. At your first appointment, you’ll meet Dr. Semco and the rest of your sleep apnea therapy care team. Dr. Semco will examine your teeth and jaw, and then we’ll take digital impressions (no gooey messes!) of your bite in order to create your custom-fit dental device.

Step 6


Optimizing the device’s fit. Once your mandibular advancement device is created, we’ll have you back in the office to try it on. Then we’ll schedule weekly adjustment appointments to optimize the fit of the device, so your jaw is in the best position for a healthy sleep. This process usually takes 1-3 months. Once your device’s fit is fully optimized, a sleep specialist will confirm the device is working as intended with a follow-up sleep study. We’ll schedule follow-up visits with Dr. Semco at least once every six months during your first year of treatment, and then at least annually to check the device and make sure you are receiving the support you need for a healthy sleep.